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Dixons Sixth Form Academy

Dixons Sixth Form Academy ranks first in region for BTEC grades

Posted 18th February 2025

Last week, the Department for Education released its post 16 comparative data and ourstudents’ performance was a highlight in the report.  

The data concluded that, of all dedicated 16 – 19 providers nationally, students at our college achieved the third highest average grades; and of the 106 sixth forms in our local region that deliver level 3 BTEC courses, our students came first – achieving higher average BTEC grades than anywhere else. 

We offer BTEC courses in applied science, health and social care, and sport, with most students continuing to university after completion. 

Head of College, Carly Teale said: “Last week, we found out that our college was in the top 10 institutions for student satisfaction according to a recent Edurio survey, and now to be recognised as first in the region and third nationally for our 182 students that completed BTEC courses is another amazing achievement. We are proud of our students and the community we serve; recognition like this shows that our city is a match for any in the country.” 

We are delighted that our students' hard work is being recognised at a regional and national level.